view of the current place view of the current place

Welcome to Chad-Rpg!

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FRPG Starter

Start as a new adventurer in a fantasy role-playing world, entering a tavern.

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Cyberpunk Starter

Start as a capable human being at a neon city in a Cyberpunk world.

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Random Starter

Start the game at a random place, in a random world, while on a random event.

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Custom Starter

Start your own unique adventure in your own world!

Game's Open Back :)

  • Finally, game uses an official free chat api, which is the gemini-pro.
  • Combats and so many things will be bugged for now, but finding an official free chat api was the most important thing. From now on, game will be maintained.
  • Free plan of Google's gemini-pro chat api is generous enough for a forgotten application which will have chat requests lower than 60 QPM (query per minute), so we're safe with free gemini-pro.
1st of march 2024